
张爱玲说过一句话,不主动,怕失去你 ;太主动,怕自作多情;伸手怕犯错。缩手怕错过。多一点怕打扰。少一点怕遗憾,我想见你。但我清楚,唯有你想见我时,我们的见面才有意义!





















To obtain the feeling of existence. We can impress others by sharing our routine life, the place where we go, the food we eat, the goods we buy. The key point is to demonstrate our existence by appealing to the eyeballs. We are now in the era when the relations between human beings are becoming more and more unfamiliar and indifferent so that it is regarded disturbing and offensive to call at the house of old friends or even to telephone them. It is not so easy to find a good way to make us hear from each other without disturbing our private life nowadays. Wechat Moments provides us a platform where we can publish our information to the circles of friends. The friends in the circle can choose to read, respond or even ignore our message. Those who send the message would not care whether the receivers read it when emptying the bowels or before falling into to sleep in the midnight, and they would not care the receivers like it or not either. They only know maybe somebody will read it, and maybe somebody will click LIKE button, or somebody will give comments, and that’s OK.

2, 发泄自己的倾诉欲、表现欲、暴露欲。

To meet requirements of pouring out one’s heart, to satisfy the desire to show off, to fulfill the wish of exposure.

Human is the kind of creature who has intense social nature. They have various interactive requirements. The need of revealing one’s innermost feelings is a very important aspect. Those who have strong feeling of speaking out can even release themselves by shouting at cattle, just like some indoors-men abandon themselves to do hand job in front of the picture of Bingbing Fan.

So is the desire to show off for some persons. They might feel very excited since their childhood if they could act something to the audience. Maybe their dream job is to become actors or actresses. They will feel extraordinarily disappointed if they find there are no crowd surrounding them when they are showing something. Unfortunately in their everyday’s life, they are not focus people and don’t have this opportunity of showing off. Luckily, Wechat help them a lot by providing this platform for showing off.

Generally speaking, people tend to protect their privacy and don’t like to reveal their true features. But situation is not always like this. Some people are fond of exposing their private life, their mind, and some parts of their bodies. Similarly, Wechat Moments provides a place for exposing themselves.

3, 记录自己的生活、思想。一方面是为了留待自己以后来看,去追寻。


To keep records of their life and idea. On one hand, they can keep the picture and writing so that they can study and recall them in the future; on the other hand, the behavior itself of writing down their idea can help them organize their thought and then work out more reasonable and comprehensive point of view. In this aspect, they use Wechat as diary software.

But why not use professional diary software directly? Maybe one reason is that the diary software is not so famous and so easy to obtain as Wechat. I think the more important reason is that through Wechat they can share their point of view to others and elicit feedback which may help them modify their idea. However, they will be disappointed eventually and find others seldom give extraordinarily useful feedback as they expected. Why? It is easy to perceive that the others wouldn't have the same interest as them in their personal issues.

4, 兜售自己的观念,给人洗脑。企业老板、职业经理人、培训师、公众人物、老师等经常这么做。

To promote one’s own idea, and try to brainwash others. Company owners, professional managers, trainers, teachers, other public figures, like to do this way. These guys think they are smarter than others, but brainwashing is harder than money laundering.

5, 兜售自己的商品。各种销售人员,推销人员把朋友圈当成自己的叫卖场。某些专业人士兜售自己的专业知识,也属于此类。

To sell one’s own products. Various kinds of salesperson, promoters, tend to regard Friend Circles of Wechat as shopping place of their own company and peddle all the time. Some professionals like to peddle their specialized knowledge here, and so on. These behaviors are very annoying.

6, 兜售自己,有目的地展现自己的形象,当然都是有企图的。比如某人经常转发所谓正能量、心灵鸡汤的微信,试图让别人认为他是个阳光积极的人,实际上他每天在干啥勾当只有天知道。许多政界人士、演艺界人士或各种名人喜欢这么做。

To sell themselves, and to demonstrate their special image, of course with intention. For example, somebody always transmit message purposed to contain so called positive energy or chicken soup for the soul in Moments, in order to let others think they positive and optimistic persons. Actually only God knows what they are doing every day. Many officials, actors/actresses and other famous people act like this.

7, 通过发朋友圈自我激励,自我暗示。甚至诅咒发誓,反正重复万遍也成为真理,达到自欺欺人的效果。比如经常发些要坚持、要有毅力的帖子,成功学的帖子,比尔·盖茨10条忠告什么的。表面上是给人家看的,实际上是为了激励自己。刚学“成功学”的年轻人最喜欢这么做。

To self-motivate and self-suggest. They transmit some message which they think will be their life creed, or guide to action, or key to success. They quote traditional saying, motto of celebrities, such as 10 suggestions from Bill Gates and Ma Yun, repeatedly every day only to regulate and cultivate themselves. The young people who just start to be mind-controlled by so-called success science act like this.

8, 别有用心的特别目的,如丑化某些国家,丑化政党,丑化某些民族,挑起地域纷争,挑起社会动荡,挑起民众对政府的不相信等。

With special political or social purpose. For example, some persons spread materials to demonize some country, to smear some parties, to defame some nationalities, or to provoke territory conflict, to stir up social instability, to cause the public to have no confidence in their government, etc.

9, 用来做追求某人、示爱的手段。

To chase girls, to show love to them.


To publish some personal or business notification on this convenient cost-free platform. For example, we can issue a meeting notice in a corporate inner group of Wechat. And we can publish a notice for missing person there.






To obtain the feeling of existence. We can impress others by sharing our routine life, the place where we go, the food we eat, the goods we buy. The key point is to demonstrate our existence by appealing to the eyeballs. We are now in the era when the relations between human beings are becoming more and more unfamiliar and indifferent so that it is regarded disturbing and offensive to call at the house of old friends or even to telephone them. It is not so easy to find a good way to make us hear from each other without disturbing our private life nowadays. Wechat Moments provides us a platform where we can publish our information to the circles of friends. The friends in the circle can choose to read, respond or even ignore our message. Those who send the message would not care whether the receivers read it when emptying the bowels or before falling into to sleep in the midnight, and they would not care the receivers like it or not either. They only know maybe somebody will read it, and maybe somebody will click LIKE button, or somebody will give comments, and that’s OK.

2, 发泄自己的倾诉欲、表现欲、暴露欲。

To meet requirements of pouring out one’s heart, to satisfy the desire to show off, to fulfill the wish of exposure.

Human is the kind of creature who has intense social nature. They have various interactive requirements. The need of revealing one’s innermost feelings is a very important aspect. Those who have strong feeling of speaking out can even release themselves by shouting at cattle, just like some indoors-men abandon themselves to do hand job in front of the picture of Bingbing Fan.

So is the desire to show off for some persons. They might feel very excited since their childhood if they could act something to the audience. Maybe their dream job is to become actors or actresses. They will feel extraordinarily disappointed if they find there are no crowd surrounding them when they are showing something. Unfortunately in their everyday’s life, they are not focus people and don’t have this opportunity of showing off. Luckily, Wechat help them a lot by providing this platform for showing off.

Generally speaking, people tend to protect their privacy and don’t like to reveal their true features. But situation is not always like this. Some people are fond of exposing their private life, their mind, and some parts of their bodies. Similarly, Wechat Moments provides a place for exposing themselves.

3, 记录自己的生活、思想。一方面是为了留待自己以后来看,去追寻。


To keep records of their life and idea. On one hand, they can keep the picture and writing so that they can study and recall them in the future; on the other hand, the behavior itself of writing down their idea can help them organize their thought and then work out more reasonable and comprehensive point of view. In this aspect, they use Wechat as diary software.

But why not use professional diary software directly? Maybe one reason is that the diary software is not so famous and so easy to obtain as Wechat. I think the more important reason is that through Wechat they can share their point of view to others and elicit feedback which may help them modify their idea. However, they will be disappointed eventually and find others seldom give extraordinarily useful feedback as they expected. Why? It is easy to perceive that the others wouldn't have the same interest as them in their personal issues.

4, 兜售自己的观念,给人洗脑。企业老板、职业经理人、培训师、公众人物、老师等经常这么做。

To promote one’s own idea, and try to brainwash others. Company owners, professional managers, trainers, teachers, other public figures, like to do this way. These guys think they are smarter than others, but brainwashing is harder than money laundering.

5, 兜售自己的商品。各种销售人员,推销人员把朋友圈当成自己的叫卖场。某些专业人士兜售自己的专业知识,也属于此类。

To sell one’s own products. Various kinds of salesperson, promoters, tend to regard Friend Circles of Wechat as shopping place of their own company and peddle all the time. Some professionals like to peddle their specialized knowledge here, and so on. These behaviors are very annoying.

6, 兜售自己,有目的地展现自己的形象,当然都是有企图的。比如某人经常转发所谓正能量、心灵鸡汤的微信,试图让别人认为他是个阳光积极的人,实际上他每天在干啥勾当只有天知道。许多政界人士、演艺界人士或各种名人喜欢这么做。

To sell themselves, and to demonstrate their special image, of course with intention. For example, somebody always transmit message purposed to contain so called positive energy or chicken soup for the soul in Moments, in order to let others think they positive and optimistic persons. Actually only God knows what they are doing every day. Many officials, actors/actresses and other famous people act like this.

7, 通过发朋友圈自我激励,自我暗示。甚至诅咒发誓,反正重复万遍也成为真理,达到自欺欺人的效果。比如经常发些要坚持、要有毅力的帖子,成功学的帖子,比尔·盖茨10条忠告什么的。表面上是给人家看的,实际上是为了激励自己。刚学“成功学”的年轻人最喜欢这么做。

To self-motivate and self-suggest. They transmit some message which they think will be their life creed, or guide to action, or key to success. They quote traditional saying, motto of celebrities, such as 10 suggestions from Bill Gates and Ma Yun, repeatedly every day only to regulate and cultivate themselves. The young people who just start to be mind-controlled by so-called success science act like this.

8, 别有用心的特别目的,如丑化某些国家,丑化政党,丑化某些民族,挑起地域纷争,挑起社会动荡,挑起民众对政府的不相信等。

With special political or social purpose. For example, some persons spread materials to demonize some country, to smear some parties, to defame some nationalities, or to provoke territory conflict, to stir up social instability, to cause the public to have no confidence in their government, etc.

9, 用来做追求某人、示爱的手段。

To chase girls, to show love to them.


To publish some personal or business notification on this convenient cost-free platform. For example, we can issue a meeting notice in a corporate inner group of Wechat. And we can publish a notice for missing person there.





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